Disposed: Bills deleted from Watchlist
 Composite view

Bills CommitteeLast actionDate
HB 130 - Convirs-Fowler - Constitutional officers; dual office holding, prohibited for deputies and other persons. (notes!) (H) Committee on Rules(H) Continued to 2025 in Rules02/01/24
HB 176 - Gardner - Elections; form of ballot, party identification of candidates, constitutional offices. (notes!) (H) Committee on Privileges and Elections(H) Failed to report (defeated) in Privileges and Elections (9-Y 13-N)02/09/24
HB 254 - Sullivan - Candidates in elections; party identification of candidates on ballot. (notes!) (H) Committee on Privileges and Elections(H) Stricken from docket by Privileges and Elections (22-Y 0-N)02/09/24
HB 262 - McNamara - Land and improvements; classification for tax purposes. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 263 - McNamara - Retail Sales and Use Tax; accommodations for transients. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 265 - Simon - Removal of public officers from office; petition requirements, procedure. (notes!) (H) Committee on Privileges and Elections

(S) Committee on Privileges and Elections
(H) House sustained Governor's veto04/17/24
HB 384 - Ware - Tangible personal property tax; exemption for indoor agriculture equipment and machinery. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 413 - Convirs-Fowler - Elections; form of ballot, party identification of candidates, constitutional offices. (notes!) (H) Committee on Privileges and Elections(H) Incorporated by Privileges and Elections (HB176-Gardner)02/09/24
HB 422 - Scott, P.A. - Personal property tax; removes sunset date. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 429 - Arnold - Elections; form of ballot, party identification of candidates, constitutional offices. (notes!) (H) Committee on Privileges and Elections(H) Incorporated by Privileges and Elections (HB176-Gardner)02/09/24
HB 549 - Walker - Real property taxes; notice by mail of proposed increase. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 568 - Askew - Tax exemptions; Confederacy organizations. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance

(S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations
(G) Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., May 17, 202404/17/24
HB 600 - Kilgore - Sales and use tax, local; additional tax authorized in all counties & cities to support schools. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 655 - Coyner - Local fiscal distress; determination by Auditor of Public Accounts, state intervention. (notes!) (H) Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns(H) VOTE: Defeated (43-Y 55-N)02/13/24
HB 658 - Cole - Elections; allows for any local or constitutional office to be conducted by ranked choice voting. (notes!) (H) Committee on Privileges and Elections(H) Continued to 2025 in Privileges and Elections01/26/24
HB 695 - Ware - Short-term rentals; Department of Taxation to establish a registry, civil penalty. (notes!) (H) Committee on Appropriations(H) Left in Appropriations02/13/24
HB 705 - Webert - Personal property tax; removes sunset date. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 724 - Webert - Personal property; taxation rates, restrictions and conditions. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 785 - Herring - Energy storage systems; clarifies the tax treatment of systems. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance

(S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations
(S) Passed by indefinitely in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)02/27/24
HB 805 - Rasoul - Sales and use tax, local; additional tax authorized in counties & cities to support schools. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance

(S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations
(H) House sustained Governor's veto04/17/24
HB 841 - Hope - Elections; allows for any local or constitutional office to be conducted by ranked choice voting. (notes!) (H) Committee on Rules(H) Left in Rules02/13/24
HB 875 - Earley - Tangible personal property; automobile assessment. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 899 - Srinivasan - Conflict of Interests Act, State and Local Government, etc.; deadline for public disclosure. (notes!) (H) Committee on General Laws(H) Continued to 2025 in General Laws01/25/24
HB 973 - Willett - Tangible personal property tax; classification, satellite equipment. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 1036 - Bloxom - Nicotine vapor products; localities by ordinance to impose a sales and use tax on products. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 1149 - Cordoza - Local officers; removal of elected and certain appointed officers by circuit court. (notes!) (H) Committee on Privileges and Elections(H) Passed by indefinitely in Privileges and Elections (21-Y 1-N)02/09/24
HB 1156 - Cordoza - Real property tax; amends definition of permanently and totally disabled. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 1308 - Green - Tangible personal property; removes $950 million cap on amount of tax relief reimbursed to locality. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 1328 - McNamara - Transient occupancy taxes; changes to administration of tax. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 1380 - Runion - Real property tax; assessment of real property used for affordable housing. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 1411 - Marshall - Motor vehicle sales and use tax; definition of sale price. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 1446 - Coyner - Real property tax; assessment of real property used for affordable housing. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Continued to 2025 with substitute in Finance (12-Y 9-N)02/07/24
HB 1483 - McQuinn - Meals tax; statute of limitations, penalties and interest. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance

(S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations
(S) Passed by indefinitely in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)02/27/24
HB 1507 - Scott, P.A. - Taxes; penalties and interest associated with the filing of returns or payment. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance(H) Left in Finance02/13/24
HB 1535 - Jones - Food and beverage or meals tax; discount for collection. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance

(S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations
(S) Passed by indefinitely in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)02/27/24
HJ 40 - Shin - Land value; DHCD to study tax implications of local governing bodies implementing a tax. (notes!) (H) Committee on Rules(H) Continued to 2025 in Rules02/01/24
HJ 58 - Carr - Constitutional amendment; exemption of property owned and occupied by persons of low income, etc. (notes!) (H) Committee on Privileges and Elections(H) Left in Privileges and Elections02/13/24
SB 14 - McPike - Sales and use tax, local; additional tax authorized in counties & cities to support schools. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance

(S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations
(S) Requires 2/3 members present04/17/24
SB 114 - Peake - Local tax credits; emergency services providers. (notes!) (S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations(S) Failed to report (defeated) in Finance and Appropriations (7-Y 7-N)01/23/24
SB 126 - Craig - Personal property; tax relief for qualifying vehicles, reimbursement and appropriation. (notes!) (S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations(S) Continued to 2025 in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)02/06/24
SB 294 - DeSteph - Local tax; penalties and interest. (notes!) (S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations(S) Passed by indefinitely in Finance and Appropriations (10-Y 5-N)02/06/24
SB 517 - Williams Graves - Tax exemptions; Confederacy organizations. (notes!) (H) Committee on Finance

(S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations
(G) Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., May 17, 202404/17/24
SB 640 - Durant - Energy storage systems; clarifies the tax treatment of systems. (notes!) (S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations(S) Passed by indefinitely in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)01/30/24
SB 680 - Rouse - Manufactured homes; conversion to real property. (notes!) (S) Committee on General Laws and Technology(S) Stricken at request of Patron in General Laws and Technology (15-Y 0-N)02/07/24
SB 711 - DeSteph - Taxation; secrecy of information, taxpayer waiver. (notes!) (S) Committee on Finance and Appropriations(S) Continued to 2025 in Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)01/31/24